Brenton. Eight days old, and already he has our hearts. Congratulations, Ashley and Joe! Brenton is beautiful. He is such an amazing miracle, and we couldn’t be happier for you. We can’t wait for you to see the rest! XOXO, Lauren and Will

Aves Photographic Design | Aves Photography Blog | Fort Worth, Texas 817-886-0738
Modern. Beautiful. You.
The Latest News
2/13/11: Congratulations to our new Production Manager, Stephanie! We are SO excited to have you on board. And to have your fabulous style ideas to keep things on the pretty side :) Yaaay, Stephanie!
Get on our Spring schedule: Now is the time to get on our calendar if you haven't yet scheduled your spring portrait sessions. February is already almost gone, and March will fill up very quickly since it is the best Spring month for pictures (March's wedding schedule is already completely booked). Weddings for the Spring/Summer/Fall, if you were wanting to use us as your photographers. Don't say we didn't warn you!
Portrait Availability: Due to our weekend wedding schedule, we only accept portrait sessions on weekdays. We keep all upcoming weekends open for weddings and the events that surround them, but would be happy to work around your schedule to get you in during the week whenever it is most convenient for you. More information is available on our portrait website under info/portrait info. Portrait sessions book up at around 4-6 weeks out.
Our Work
Hello there.
Thank you for visiting our blog. I am Lauren Aves, and my husband Will and I are Aves Photographic Design. About a year ago, we moved our studio to 4909 Camp Bowie Blvd in Fort Worth, TX, (soon after which our photography business sort-of exploded; yay! This is only thanks to our God and Savior for giving us EVERYTHING; it's so obvious-how could I not state it before?), and we love our home in Dallas/Fort Worth.
Contact us if you have any questions at all. We love new ideas, and we are so blessed to be able to work with people who really "get" the kind of work we do. We can't wait to meet you.
It has been a wonderful adventure getting to explore new locations and photograph more and more fabulous dresses and couples by the day. Thank you all for this enormous blessing, and stay beautiful! Lauren and Will
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