Two things: 1) Katy and Tyler, if ever there were a couple who we more wanted to be like, it would be you; and 2) WHOA. Just whoa. {….Okay, that’s not enough. AMAZINGPERFECTBEAUTIFULWONDERFULGORGEOUSAWESOMEFUNBESTDAYEVERANDSWEETESTWEDDINGEVERRRRR!!!} …{…Okay, and}….. 3) EVER. ________________________________ We’ve been working on your Sneak-Peek, and I must say. I picked sixty pictures. I was trying […]
Category Archives: A Wedding with the Best Feeling.
Wedding! Wedding! Wedding Time! At Houston Oaks Country Club, and it was SO beautiful. {Sorry it took a day longer than we thought for the blog post, everyone! We literally kept editing for an entire extra day in order to include the full story in the post. If you’ve ever worked on photographs before, you […]